2022 NCOLCTL Virtual Conference
Zoom Events Information for NCOLCTL Virtual Conference Attendees
NCOLCTL will be using Zoom Events for our 2022 Virtual Conference.
The NCOLCTL Secretariat has now invited all registered conference participants to the 2022 Virtual Conference by issuing an Attendee or Special-Role ticket.
This means that participants have been invited under the following Roles:
  • Speakers
  • Alternate Hosts
  • Panelists
  • Sponsors
  • Exhibitors
  • Attendees
How to view your Ticket:
Sign in to the above Zoom Events website using the email address that we have associated with your registration. (Please contact, the NCOLCTL secretariat if you need to have the email address we have used changed. Alternately, you can easily create a new zoom account using the email address already given).
  1. In the top right corner, click Tickets.
  2. Click the Upcoming tab.
  3. Find the ticket for the event that you have been invited to.
  4. Your ticket for that event will be labeled as a Special-Role ticket.
  5. On the ticket, click View Details.
  6. Under What is your role?, view details about your role.
  7. Under Your Sessions as ___, view your session(s) that you have been assigned. You can also view the session details, such as its date/time and session title.
  8. When the event is available for you to join, click Join Lobby on the ticket.
A participant on at the Virtual Conference should hold one special role ticket that contains or displays one or multiple special roles. Please contact the NCOLCTL Secretariat if you cannot find a ticket under your upcoming events.
On Thursday April 21, The NCOLCTL Secretariat will be available to Provide Technical Support Until 10PM EST.
Please Call 812-964-1930
Please Note: ALL Times indicated in our platform, Zoom Events, are in YOUR local time zone. The Program Guide on the NCOLCTL Website, indicates Eastern Standard Time (EST).
You can also access your ticket from your confirmation email that was sent to you when your information was entered into our Conference platform:
  1. Open the Zoom Events confirmation email.
  2. You can view information about your special role, the event, and the event’s date/time.
  3. Click View Ticket.
  4. This will redirect you to the Upcoming tab of events on the Tickets page.
  5. Find the ticket for the event that you have been invited to.
  6. Your ticket for that event will be labeled as a Special-Role ticket.
  7. On the ticket, click View Details to view more information about your special role and the event details.
  8. When the event is available for you to join, click Join Lobby on the ticket.
If the event organizer chooses to remove your role or assign you a different role, your Special-Role ticket will become inactive and you will receive an email notification.
Please Contact the Secretariat if you have any questions or need any help.

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