Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages
Volume 25, Spring 2019
Preparing Teachers of Critical Languages for Articulated Performance Assessment Task Design – Jennifer Eddy
A Student Perceptions of Progress and Engagement in Language Learning: The Blended-Learning Model (the Case of Ukrainian) – Alla Nedashkivska
Acquisition of Tone Sandhis by English Speaking Learners of Chinese – Wenhua Jin
Understanding the Difficulties in Building Intercultural Relationships from Perspectives of American Students and Japanese Students during a Short-term Study Abroad in Japan – Hiromi Tobaru
Rhetorical Awareness in Foreign Language Writing: An Advanced-level Japanese Case Study – Zhini Zeng and Ying Liu
Miscellanea: The Shared LCTL Symposium: A Call for Action – Stéphane Charitos, Emily Heidrich , Koen Van Gorp, and Luca Giupponi
Volume 24, Fall 2018
Beyond Advanced Proficiency: Using Portfolio Assessment to Evaluate Expertise in Communicating in Chinese as a Foreign Language – Zhini Zeng
Pedagogy on teaching negotiation of speech acts:Accepting invitations and offers in L2 Chinese – Yunwen Su and Yufen Chang
Feedback and Response to Feedback in Teaching Writing to Learners of Arabic or any Second Language: A field report on a pedagogical model – Peter John Glanville
Drama in LCTL Classrooms: Example of an Experiential Learning Project in Modern Standard Arabic – Hossam Elsherbiny
Utilizing Social Networks in Language Classes – Perception, Production, and Interaction – Yang Xiao-Desai, Ka F. Wong, and Christopher Magriney
Volume 23, Spring 2017
Authentic Texts as Reading Materials in a Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom: Learners’ Perceptions and Pedagogical Implications – Sha Huang
What do teachers want? Professional development opportunities for instructors of Portuguese as a heritage language – Gláucia V. Silva and Everton Vargas da Costa
“You’re wrong!” How Egyptians and Americans Correct Others in Everyday Conversations: A Cross-Cultural Investigation – Nader Morkus
Characterizations of native speaker by language teachers and students of Japanese and Chinese in the U.S. – Shinsuke Tsuchiya
Attitudes toward Accents in Less Commonly Taught Language Education: A Korean Case in Canada – Mihyon Jeon
Chinese as a Second Language Pronunciation Teaching Survey – Chunsheng Yang and Wenhua Jin
Volume 22, Fall 2017
Features of Teacher Talk in the Context of Less Commonly Taught Languages – Vesna Dimitrieska
Chinese Language Teachers’ Perceptions and Implementation of Task-based Language Teaching in the US – Miao-fen Tseng
A Study of Chinese Fulbright Teaching Assistants in the U.S.: Implications for Second Language Teacher Education – Han Luo and Pan Gao
Exploring the Impact of Game-Based Tasks on the Motivation of Military Personnel Learning Pashto – Nadežda Novaković & Evan Rubin
Enhancing Metaphorical Competence in the L2 Russian Classroom – Larysa Bobrova
Supplemental Vodcasts for Japanese Language Learners: Examining Students’ Perceptions – Kathryn Negrelli
Bending the Arc of Our Nation’s L Languages: The Emergence of LCTLs in the United States On the 25th Anniversary of NCOLCTL – Richard D. Brecht
Volume 21, Spring 2016
Attitudes of Arabic- and Non-Arabic Speaking Parents Toward the Importance of Learning Arabic in the United States – Sara Al Alili & Wafe Hassan
The Effects of using VoiceThread on Stu-dents’ Listening Comprehension and Attitudes Toward using VoiceThread – Oraib Mango
Heritage Learners versus Non-heritage Learners in Five Less Commonly Taught Languages: Condi-tions, Practices, and Challenges – Rabia Redouane
A Survey on Postsecondary Korean Language Programs in the United States – Susie Kim
Formation of Korean heritage school teachers’ transnational identity – Hye Young Shin, & Shelley Wong
The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Korean K-12 Teacher Training Workshops – Sang Yee Cheon
The Impacts of Theme-Based Language Instruc-tion: A Case Study of an Advanced Chinese Intensive Program – Song Jiang
Early Mandarin Literacy in a Class-created Reading Library – Reed Riggs
Developing Communicative and Cultural Competences in Portuguese through an Online Collaborative Project – Vanessa Cristina Revheim
Teaching Portuguese as a foreign / non-native language through a pluricentric and intercultural point of view – Luana Moreira Reis
Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong (2007) Thai Language and Culture for Beginners Book 1, Manoa: University of Hawaii – Ian Solheim
Ayşe Gürel (ed.) (2016) “The Second Language Ac-quisition of Turkish”, Amsterdam: John Benjamins – Francesco Romano
Munther Younes, Makda Weatherspoon, Maha Sali-ba Foster (2014) ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas, London: Routledge – Jedidiah Anderson
Volume 20, Fall 2016
The Role of Motivation on Students’ Plans to Further Study Chines – Wei You
Practices in Less Commonly Taught Languages: Factors that Shape Teachers’ Beliefs and Guide Their Practices – Farid Saydee
Using Community-based Instruction to Promote Language Affiliation: Findings from Japanese Language Learners – Vera E. W. Hanaoka
Effective Learning Strategies for the Recognition of Characters and Words by Learners of Chi-nese with Varying Proficiency in Different Learning Environments – Jing Wang and Robert B. Harris
To Err is Human: An error analysis approach to Turkish as an L2 –Talip Gonulal, Patti Spinner, and Paula Winke
Effects of Listening While Reading (LWR) on Swahili Reading Fluency and Comprehension – Filipo Lubua
Volune 19, Spring 2015
The Role of Writing in Learning Less-commonly-taught Languages in Turkey – Nur Yigitoglu
Integrating the Genre-Based Approach into Teaching Writing in Arabic As a Foreign Language – Mahmoud Azaz
The Effectiveness of Diagnostic Assessment on the Development of Turkish Language Learners’ Narrative Skills as an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Task – Anjel Tozcu
Cuevas Trans-forming Students into Digital Hakawati: Digital Storytelling in the AFL Classroom: Learners’ Attitudes and Recommendations – Gaby Semaan, Dany Doueiri, and Rebecca
Dialogue Recitation and CFL Learners’ Production of Formulaic Expressions – Jia Yang
Correlation of Proficiency with Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency in Spoken and Written Production: Evidence from L2 Korean – Youngjoo Kim, Juyeon Nam, and Sun-Young Lee
Blended Learning Course Format on Moodle: A Model for Beginner Level Foreign Language Courses in Higher Education Reviews – Deborah Azaryad Shechter
Toward a Task-based Textbook for Indonesian Lan-guage Learning – Jessica Fox
Voume 18, Fall 2015
Teaching Linguistics to Supplement the Implementation of the Five Cs – Hongyuan Dong
Research-Informed Online Language Course Design and Development for Least Commonly Taught LTCLs: The case of Introductory Dari, Pashto, and Uyghur – Öner Özçelik and Amber Kennedy Kent
Foreign language teaching: A study of teachers’ beliefs about effective teaching and learning methodologies – Farid Saydee
College-Level Arabic Heritage Learners: Do they belong in Separate Classrooms? – Hana Zabarah
Task-based incidental vocabulary learning in L2 Arabic: The role of proficiency and task performance – Ayman A. Mohamed
Investigating the validity of KFL text difficulty as defined by the ILR Reading Scales – Sun-Young Shin
Volume 17, Spring 2015
Uncovering Curriculum: Language performance through culture by design – Jennifer Eddy
Foreign Language Read-ing Anxiety: Korean as a Foreign Language in the United States – Kim Young Joo and Julie Damron
High School Students Reg-istered in Ukrainian Language Arts – What Practitioners and Learning Resource Developers Should Know – Olenka Bilash, and Vitaliy Shyyan
A Model for Com-munity-based Language Teaching to Young Learners: The Impact of University Outreach – Martha Nyikos and Vesna Dimitrieska
Implementing STARTALK-endorsed Principles in an Intensive Summer LCTL Program: Challenges and Implications – Julian ChengChiang Chen and Sarah Jourdain
Evaluating the Quality of STARTALK Program for Teaching Heritage and Non-Heritage Arabic Language Learners – Wafa Hassan
Technology Training in Chinese Language Teacher Education: Content, Concept, and Context – Yang XIAO-DESAI, Ka F. WONG and Xiaohui WU
Volume 16, Fall 2014
Corrective Feedback in Classrooms at Different Proficiency Levels —A Case Study of Chinese as a Foreign Language – Liu Li
Errors in the Production of Adult Early and Late Bilinguals – Teresa Lee
Teachers’ and Non-Teachers’ Perceptions of a Chinese Learner’s Oral Performances – Guangyan Chen
Loss of Culture, Loss of Language: An Afghan-American Community –
Farid Saydee
The Development of a National Curriculum Guide for Persian: Themes, Genres, Standards-based Goals, and Models – Nicole Mills and Pardis Minuchehr
Korean Language Teachers in Higher Education in North America: Profile, Status and More – Hye-Sook Wang
Volume 15, Spring 2014
Teaching Norwegian to beginners: Six principles to guide lesson planning – Anna Krulatz, Sør-Trøndelag University College
Informal Language Learning and Self-Instruction: The Learning Ecosystem of Learners of Macedonian – Biljana Belamarić Wilsey, North Carolina State University
Developing Linguistic and Professional Competence: Business Ukrainian On-line – Alla Nedashkivska
Content-based Persian language instruction at the University of Maryland: A field-report – Ali Reza Abasi, University of Maryland
Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety: A Study of Chinese Language Learners – Han Luo, Northwestern University
The Arabic Language Fog of War: Exploring Iraq War Veterans’ Motivations to Study Arabic Language and Culture Post-Deployment – Jennifer Nichols, Kenyon College
Meso-American Languages: An Investigation of Variety, Maintenance, and Implications for Linguistic Survival – Ransom Gladwin, Valdosta State University
Volume 14, Fall 2013
Variation among heritage speakers: Sequential vs. simultaneous bilinguals – Teresa Lee, University of Virginia
Cultural Factors in High School Student Motivation to Study Less
Commonly Taught Languages – Masako Nunn, California State University, San Bernardino
Effectiveness of deep, blended language learning as measured by oral
proficiency and course evaluation – Francois Victor Tochon, University of Wisconsin-Madison
A Language Socialization Approach to Uzbek Language Learning – Baburhan Uzum, Sam Houston State University
Language classroom risk-taking behavior in a performed culture-based
program – Stephen D. Luft, Ohio State University
Volume 13, Spring 2013
Edited by Danko Sipka
LCTL teachers’ assessment knowledge and practices: An exploratory study…..1
Megan Montee, Aileen Bach, Anne Donovan, Lynn Thompson
Survey of Digital Materials for Teaching Less Commonly Taught Languages Barbara Blankenship and Thomas J. Hinnebusch UCLA Language Materials Project…..33
Barbara Blankenship, Thomas J. Hinnebusch
Cognitive Perspective in SLA: Pedagogical Implications for Enhancing Oral Proficiency in Foreign Languages…..51
Serafima Gettys, Iwona Lech
Making Vocabulary Corporeal: Arabic Learners, Vocabulary Development, & arabiCorpus…..71
Amy Johnson, Mike Raish
The signal and comprehension approach: decoding and meaning building…..87
Rajaa Aquil
Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) Students’ Lexical Tonal Development: An Investigation of Tonal Production and Awareness of Tonal Categories…..129
Li Jin
Volume 9, Fall 2010
Edited by Danko Sipka
Enhanced Input in LCTL Pedagogy… 1
Marilyn S. Manley, Rowan University
Development of a Computer-Based Workshop to Foster Language Assessment Literacy… 21
Katherine Riestenberg, Francesca Di Silvio, Anne Donovan, Margaret E Malone, Center for Applied Linguistics
The Use of English in the Chinese Language Classroom: Perspectives from American College Students… 43
Henrietta Yang, Morehouse College
“I Got the Point Across and that is What Counts”. Transcultural versus (?) Linguistic Competence in Language Teaching… 59
Shobna Nijhawan, New York University
The More Things Change: A Learner’s Perspective on Learning Another Arabic Dialect… 83
Elizabeth M. Bergman, Miami University of Ohio
Heritage Motivation, Identity and the Desire to Learn Arabic in U.S. Early Adolescents… 103
Amanda Lanier Temples, Georgia State University
Volume 8, Spring 2010
Edited by Danko Sipka
Business Communiction in Less Commonly Taught Languages: Teaching Suggestions Through Discourse Analysis… 1
Glaucia V. Silva, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Denise Santos, The University of Reading, UK
Addressing the Language Description Deficit… 21
- Ali Bolgun, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
Adverbs as a Wor Category in Kinyakyusa… 59
Amani Lusekelo, Dar es Salaam University College of Education
The Production of Turkish Relative Clauses in Second Language Acquisition: Overcoming Student Difficulties… 89
Anjel Toczu, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
Korean as a Heritage Language in the U.S. University Classroom… 141
Hyun-Sook Kang, Illinois State University
A Curriculum for Teaching Indonesian in Classes with Diverse Learners… 169
Maria Carreira, California State University, Long Beach
Juliana Wijaya, University of California, Los Angeles
Incorporating Language Learning Into the Academic Setting: A Practical Example at Harvard University… 195
Charles Owu-Ewie, Ohio University, Athens
Volume 7, Fall 2009
Edited by Danko Sipka
Who Studies Language and Why?: A Cross-Language Survey of First-Year College-Level Language Learners… 1
Kathryn M. Howard, University of Pennsylvania
Rachel R. Reynolds, Drexel University
Julia Deak, University of Pennsylvania
Reasons Students Take Courses in less Commonly Taught Language and More Commonly Taught Languages… 45
Dianna Murphy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sally Sieloff Magnan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michele Back, University of California-Riverside
Paula Garrett-Rucks, University of Wisconsin-Madison
An Analysis of Student Evaluations of Native and Non-Native Korean Foreign Language Teachers… 81
Julie Damron, Brigham Young University
Increasing Assessment Literacy among LCTL Instructors through Blended Learning… 105
Victoria C. Nier, Center for Applied Linguistics
Anne E. Donovan, Center for Applied Linguistics
Margaret E. Malone, Center for Applied Linguistics
Using Technology to Make a Professional Development Effective and Cost-Effective: The JOINT Online Course Program for Japanese Language Teachers… 137
Tekeshi Sengiku, Gettysburg College
Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku, University of California-San Diego
Eiko Ushida, University of California-San Diego
Susan Schmidt, Alliance of Associations of Teachers of Japanese
ARIDA: An Arabic Inter-Language Database and its Applications: A Pilot Study… 165
Ghazi Abuhakema, The College of Charleston
Anna Feldman, Montclair State University
Eileen Fitzpatrick, Montclair State University
Volume 6, Spring 2009
Edited by Danko Sipka
Arabic: Meeting the Challenges… 1
Elizabeth M. Bergman, Arizona State University
Teaching Accurate Translation at Word Level… 15
Alexander Burak, University of Florida
Teaching Russian Grammar Interactively: The Case System… 37
Rimma Garn, University of California-Davis
The Keyimage Method of Learning Sound-Symbol Correspondences: A Case Study of Learning Written Khmer… 59
Elizabeth Lavolette, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Retention of Katakana as Foreign Scripts: The Effects of Mnemonics and Spatial Ability… 85
Sachiko Matsunaga, California State University-Los Angeles
Internet-Assisted Language Learning (IALL) and Developing Arabic Proficiency… 113
Rabia Bajwa, Georgetown University
Volume 5, Spring 2008
Edited by Danko Sipka
2007 NCOLCTL Keynote Presentation… 1
Ambassador Robert Finn, Liechtenstein Institute of the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton
Survival Strategies: LCTLs in Context… 13
Marilyn S. Manley, Rowan University
Why College students Want to Learn Asian Languages: A Comparative Study of Motivational Factors for the Selections of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese… 33
Jack Jinghui Liu, California State University-Fullerton
Setsue Shibata, California State University-Fullerton
Proficiency Testing and Language Teaching: Russian and Polish… 57
Rimma Garn, University of Missouri-Columbia
Active Learning through Materials Development: A Project for the Advanced L2 Classroom… 91
Katrina Daly Thompson, University of California-Los Angeles
Is ‘msonge’ a House? Visualizing a Novel in the L2 Classroom: The Case of Swahili… 113
Charles Bwenge, University of Florida
Teaching Pragmatic Particles in the LCTL Classroom… 129
Faizah Sari, University of Alabama
Volume 4, Spring 2007
Edited by Michael E. Everson
Innovations in language Learning: The Oregon Chinese Flagship Model… 1
Carl Falsgraf, University of Oregon
Madeline K. Spring, University of Oregon
Foreign Languages Surviving and Thriving in Conventional University Settings: Implications for Less Commonly Taught Languages… 17
Elizabeth B. Bernhardt, Stanford University
Teaching Speech Arts… 29
Margo Milleret, University of New Mexico
Endangered Language Documentation and Transmission… 53
- Victoria Rau, Providence University-Taiwan
Meng-Chien Yang, Providence University-Taiwan
Maa-Neu Dong, National Museum of Natural Science-Taiwan
Are We There Yet?… 75
Ray T. Clifford, Brigham Young University
Fostering of Less Commonly Taught Language Initiatives- The Minnesota Experience… 81
Leonard Anthony Polakiewicz, University of Minnesota
Volume 3, Spring 2006
Edited by Michael E. Everson
Opening Remarks: NCOLCTL Annual Meeting ‘05… 1
Gilles Bousquet, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Why Students in the U.S. are Learning Arabic: A Study of Motivation at the College-Level… 7
Paula M. Winke, Michigan State University
Heather D. Weger-Guntharp, Georgetown University
College Heritage Language Speakers’ Perceptions of Heritage Languages and Identity… 35
Jingjing Qin, Northern Arizona University
Models of Integrating Content and Language Learning… 61
Jiaying Howard, Monterey Institute of International Studies
A Retrospective and a Look into the Future 2005 NCOLCTL Walton Award Acceptance Speech… 85
Dora Johnson, Center for Applied Linguistics
Volume 2, Spring 2005
Edited by Michael E. Everson
The Global Professional… 1
Gilles Bousquet, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Privilege of the Less Commonly Taught Languages: Linking Literacy and Advanced L2 Capacities… 21
Heidi Byrnes, Georgetown University
An Analysis of Learner Motivation of Less Commonly Taught Languages… 45
Junko Ueno, Union College
Social Bilingualism and FL Teaching: The Case of Catalan… 73
Amalia Llombart-Huesca, University of Redlands
Meeting the Standards for Foreign Language Learning through an Internet-Based Newspaper Project: Case Studies of Advanced-Level Japanese Learners… 101
Miyuki Fukai, Columbia University
Why We Need Each Other: 2004 NCOLCTL Walton Award Acceptance Speech… 135
Laurel Rasplica Rodd, University of Colorado
Volume 1, Spring 2004
Edited by Antonia Folarin Schleicher
Do Background Variables Predict Students’ Scores on a Japanese Placement Test? Implications for Placing Heritage Language Learners… 1
Kimi Kondo-Brown, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Code-Switching among Trilingual Montrealers: French, English, and a Heritage Language… 19
Ephie Konidaris, McGill University
An Ethnographic Study of Chinese Heritage Language Education and Technological Innovations… 69
Minjuan Wang, San Diego State University
On-line Delivery for Serbo-Croatian (Bosniac, Croatian, Serbian): Tailoring Technology to the Learner… 95
Danko Sipka, Arizona State University
Gender Representation in Elementary Level, African Language Textbooks… 119
Antonia Folarin Schleicher, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kristi Hobson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Arabic Instructors’ Attitudes on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)… 137
Deniz Gokcora, University of Minnesota
Evrim Eveyik-Aydin, University of Minnesota