As part of its outreach activities, the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (NFMLTA), the governing organization of the MLJ, in cooperation with other professional organizations, particularly ACTFL and the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), supports a number of award and grant opportunities. Please familiarize yourself with these opportunities and submit your applications and inquiries to the organizations and contact persons handling the competition.
For the year 2021, the following opportunities are available.
The ACTFL/NFMLTA/MLJ Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education
The Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education was created in 1977 in response to the initiative of an anonymous donor as a memorial to Paul Pimsleur. Among the most prestigious awards in language studies, it is awarded to the author(s) of an outstanding research study in foreign or second language education published during the previous calendar year.
The award recognizes Pimsleur’s contribution to the profession as an outstanding teacher, researcher, and expert on test creation and interpretation, work that lives on through the internationally established Pimsleur Aptitude Tests and the materials for independent language learning that he created.
Since 1989 recipients have received a $500 cash award, provided by the NFMLTA/MLJ.
Please note that there is no application process for this award; rather, ACTFL, which coordinates the award, solicits nominations from editors of scholarly journals in second and foreign language learning and teaching. Further information is available at the ACTFL website.
The ACTFL/NFMLTA/MLJ Emma Marie Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in Foreign Language Education
Established in 1980, the Emma Marie Birkmaier Award recognizes the author of a doctoral dissertation in foreign language education that contributes significantly to the advancement of the profession.
The award honors ACTFL’s first president, a person who worked tirelessly in the creation of the association and its new programs, including the ACTFL Annual Bibliography of Books and Articles on Pedagogy in Foreign Languages and the ACTFL Review of Foreign Language Education (now known as the ACTFL Foreign Language Education Series). She was an outstanding teacher educator at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis–St. Paul, and her career influenced countless foreign language education students at that institution and practicing teachers across the nation.
Since 1989, the recipient has been awarded a $500 cash award, provided by the NFMLTA and the MLJ.
This competition is handled through ACTFL. Criteria for selection and details on the application process are available at the ACTFL website.
NFMLTA Dissertation Support Grants
Application deadline: February 1st of each year, notification: March 7th of each year
Instituted in 2013 by the NFMLTA, this award helps support graduate students in the fields of applied linguistics and language education at the dissertation writing stage. These grants can provide resources at any stage of dissertation writing, e.g., data gathering, data transcription, data analysis, or write-up of the findings.
Awards in the amount of $2,500 each will be made.
Applications should be submitted electronically at
- By the application deadline, applicants must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D./Ed.D., except the dissertation.
- Applicants must have an approved dissertation proposal with, if applicable, an approved IRB.
- Applicants must be enrolled in a doctoral program at an institution of higher education in the United States; they need not be citizens or permanent residents.
- A complete application includes:
- Applicant contact information: Name, physical address, e-mail address, name of applicant’s institution of higher education
- Brief statement signed by the dissertation advisor/dissertation committee chair stating that the applicant has: successfully defended his/her dissertation proposal; the IRB process has been cleared (if appropriate to the study); the applicant has successfully completed all but the dissertation writing at the time of application for this grant.
- Proposed dissertation title and a description of the proposed research. The description should include: purpose of the study, theoretical framework(s), research questions, methodology, importance of the study, limitations, use of funding (maximum two pages, single spaced, Times New Roman 12)
NFMLTA Conference Presentation Support Grant for Foreign Language Professionals (Including Graduate Students)
Application deadline September 1st 2021
Instituted in 2017 by the NFMLTA, this grant is intended to help defray the costs of conference attendance by foreign language professionals during the year. Awards with a limit of $1,000 of reimbursable expenses per awardee will be made. Earlier submissions are encouraged, as conference acceptances and cost information becomes available to applicants.
Application information:
- The application includes a brief narrative (250–300 words) that provides information on the applicant’s educational background and position, contextualizes the topic of the presentation in the applicant’s career, and indicates need for support in relation to other possible sources of support;
- Applicants must provide proof of acceptance of a conference presentation at a national, language-specific, or regional language conference during the year;
- The presentation should be related to the professional/scholarly work of the applicant;
Preference will be given to applicants who are attending a conference for the first time or are younger members of the profession, including graduate students. - Reimbursement, against original receipts, is limited to $1,000 per award recipient and should be requested within 30 days after the conference. Reimbursable expenses include conference registration, transportation (air, train, bus, cab, subway systems), and lodging, but not meal expenses.
Applications should be submitted electronically at
The NFMLTA/NCOLCTL Graduate Students Research Support Award
Application deadline August 1st 2021
Instituted in 2014 by the NFMLTA and the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), this award supports graduate student research in the fields of applied linguistics and language education with small grants focused on the teaching and learning of less commonly taught languages (all languages except English, Spanish, French, and German). The grants provide resources at any stage of dissertation writing, e.g., data gathering, data transcription, data analysis, or write-up of the findings.
Awards in the amount of $2,500 each will be made. Awardees are expected to be members of NCOLCTL. The awards will be given at the Awards Ceremony during the annual NCOLCTL conference in April. Awardees are required to attend this conference in order to receive their award.
A complete application includes:
- A two-page (500-word) application letter detailing the research and how the award will be used towards the research
- A two-page (500-word) curriculum vitae attachment
- Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Purpose of the study
- Theoretical framework(s)
- Research questions
- Research methodology
- Importance of the study
- Limitations
- Use of funding
- (Maximum two pages, single spaced, Times New Roman 12)
Click below to submit Applications.